The first step for most businesses that require petroleum Maintenance Procedures Insure Equipment is to secure the best items available so that their business runs smoothly from the start. Purchasing quality equipment rather than less expensive, less efficient equipment is always a worthwhile investment. Most business owners agree that investing money up front to insure customer satisfaction is always a good bet.
Equally as important, however, is the maintaining of those items, and with petroleum equipment, that equates to regular inspections that guarantee everything is working properly and that everyone in proximity of that equipment will remain safe and free from injury. That’s why hiring a company that performs regularly service and maintenance – before you call with a problem – is essential.
Experienced technicians
When choosing a petroleum equipment service company, ask about the technicians’ experience. Servicing this equipment needs proper training. Pick a company with skilled professionals and trainees learning the latest technology.
In British Columbia, hands-on programs train new technicians under experts with decades of experience. After completing the required hours, trainees earn a BC Trade Certificate. This qualifies them as petroleum equipment installers or technicians.
At Western Oil, we value certification. It allows our technicians to work on federal property. Certification also ensures they have the skills to get the job done right. Happy customers trust us and keep coming back.
What kind of service and maintenance should be expected?
Periodic inspections are essential to good service and maintenance of any petroleum equipment. When you purchase such equipment, you should discuss the service parameters with your dealer.
Clients of Western Oil have come to expect top-notch maintenance service, which involves follow-ups to schedule regular inspections as well as immediate attention to any emergency needs that must be addressed immediately. We also recognize the needs of unique and seasonal businesses, like marinas or ski resorts, and plan service visits accordingly with the client’s input.
Visual inspections of fueling systems are done regularly and technicians at Western Oil will take a close look at fill boxes, hoses, nozzles, and anything else that could present a problem or simply wear out. Our service reps look for expiration dates and examine equipment that might be past its prime. Then they’ll make recommendations for repairs or replacements, which they can usually do “on the spot” for the customer’s convenience.
Western Oil strives for efficiency and, as such, technicians can often complete a job in just one visit. If we can’t, however, we’ll be honest with you and schedule an additional service and maintenance visit to finish the task as soon as possible, so that there’s little waiting for repairs, replacements, or Maintenance Procedures Insure Equipment.