
Western Oil Services Ltd (WOS), is taking all reasonable precautions to ensure that illness and infection do not spread in the workplace between employees or from employees to customers/clients/the public.

All WOS Employees are also responsible for taking measures to assist the Company to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Western Oil Services Ltd, will provide office employees the measures to work from home.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has assessed COVID-19 as a pandemic. The assessment by the WHO was not unexpected.

In Canada, our health system is prepared for this situation. Since the outset, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)—along with public health authorities at all levels of government across the country— have been working together to ensure that our preparedness and response measures are appropriate and adaptable, based on the latest science and the evolving situation.

At this time, PHAC has assessed the public health risk associated with COVID-19 as low for the general population in Canada but this could change rapidly. There is an increased risk of more severe outcomes for Canadians:

  • Aged 65 and over
  • With compromised immune systems
  • With underlying medical conditions
  • Our public health efforts will continue to focus on containment to delay the onset of community spread by rapidly identifying cases, meticulously finding close contacts and using tried and true public health measures such as isolation and social distancing.

In the event of community transmission, these actions will continue as long as feasible to interrupt chains of transmission in the community and to delay and reduce an outbreak where possible.

In order to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19, everyone has a role to play. It takes more than governments and action from the health sector to protect the health and safety of Canadians. Each of us can help our country be prepared in the event of an emergency by understanding how coronavirus spreads and how to prevent illness.

For individuals

Canadians should continue to think ahead about the actions that they can take to stay healthy and prevent the spread of any illness, especially respiratory infections.

In light of the recent Coronavirus outbreak, we are keen to ensure that all employees maintain high levels of hygiene to keep the chance of contamination to an absolute minimum. The risk of contamination in the British Columbia is low, however, as a precautionary measure, please ensure that:

  • You wash your hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  • Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze and throw the tissue away immediately
  • Avoid touching your eye, nose and mouth
  • Keep at least one meter away from anyone coughing and sneezing.

Certain areas across the world have been identified as having been more severely affected than others and require a period of self-isolation upon return from travel. If you are traveling to these counties, please keep yourself aware of the current status of the country you are visiting and whether self-isolation is needed. If you have to self-isolate, please let your supervisor know as soon as possible by telephone, however, you must not attend work during a period of self-isolation.

If you have not been overseas but think you may have been in contact with someone who has Coronavirus, please do not attend work, call your supervisor to inform them of the situation. If you are in work and develop a cough, fever or breathing problems, please let your supervisor know.

Now and always, during cold and flu season, stay home if you are sick. We encourage those you who are sick to stay home until they no longer have symptoms.

Since respiratory viruses, such as the one that causes COVID-19, are spread through contact, change how you greet one another. Instead of a handshake, a kiss or a hug, a friendly wave or elbow bump is less likely to expose you to respiratory viruses.

Practice frequent hand hygiene and coughing and sneezing etiquette. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces, such as toys and door handles.

These are the most important ways that you can protect yourself and your family from respiratory illness, including COVID-19.

Keep safe and healthy,

Best regards,

Western Oil Services Ltd.